Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Miley Cyrus Fiasco

I guess as a mother of a huge Hannah Montana fan, I might as well make my comments and thoughts known.

If by chance you live in a bubble and do not watch TV, listen to the radio, have children. or use the Internet (which means you aren't really reading this!) then you know what I am talking about.

There are apparently three sets of pictures going around that are causing a big stir.

The first are personal pictures that Miley took with friends where she is pulling down her shirt revealing a green bra and another where she is lifting her shirt showing her midriff.

The second picture is seen below. This is THE Vanity Fair picture that is causing a stir.

The problem alot of people are having with this is that Miley knowingly took this picture. She has stated that the pictures where artistic and she liked them. Then after the backlash, she says something completely different. I have respected Billy Ray as a father and the control and respect he has of his daughter. According to the Internet and other news sources, Miley's parents are saying that the photographer wanted to take one last picture. She has said that she told Miley's parents the last picture would possibly make her father nervous to be around for. Would you leave??? Absolutely not. If it would make me nervous for someone to take a picture of my daughter in front of me, do you think that I would let them take it to show the whole world? Absolutely not! It's common sense.

The second set of pictures are the ones that Vanity Fair took with Miley and her father. The media is portraying these as looking too seductive to be a father and daughter picture.

Ahh...yeah! I love you dad....but I don't think we would ever take a picture like this!

I understand that celebrities are entitled to their own lives and privacy. Miley and her family know by now that just about every little girl (ages 4 and up) love her, want to be her, and do everything they see her do. Miley has been praised for being wholesome, clean cut, and at least around our house, a young female that B and her friends can look up to. I managed to keep the Vanessa Ann Hudgens (High School Musical) nude picture scandal away from B, but this one is a little different. I sat down and explained to B that just like Hannah Montana's song says..."everyone makes mistakes" and "nobody's perfect". I explained to her that the pictures (the private ones and the semi naked Vanity Fair pictures) are not ok. No little girl, or even teenage girl, should be taking these types of pictures.

How many more scandals of people taking inappropriate pictures (for personal or publicity reasons) are there going to be before Hollywood realizes the moral collapse in society that they are aiding? Yes, parents are responsible. In today's society where parents are not "parenting" but allowing a television, a video game, an MP3 player, and the Internet to raise their child, think how different it would be if the messages being sent were wholesome.

Millions of parents now have to talk to their children about this situation and explain that Miley made a bad choice. The Cyrus family should have thought about all the little girls in the world that look up to her and are know going to think that pictures like this are ok.

I have been following a series on The Sovereign Grace blog about modesty and women. It has been very eye opening as a woman and the mother of a one-day-going-to-be-a...ttteenager. The series is a 7 part series based on the chapter "Modesty" from CJ Mahaney's forthcoming book Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World. It studies the verse

I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes,

1Timothy 2:9

After reading some of the excerpt from Mahaney's series, Paul tells Timothy that the women in the congregation should not try to dress like the Roman court and prostitutes, with pearls and expensive clothes. Who says the Bible isn't relevant in today's society.......

Think of the celebrities that the media flashes on TV for little girls to look up to...

Brittany Spears??
Paris Hilton??
Lindsay Lohan??
Pussy Cat Dolls??

Really? Can we not find a morally sound, God fearing and loving Christian, young female for our daughters to look up to? Our little girls look to these people on how to dress, what to say, and how to act. Are we not concerned with the future of women in our society to stop this! The magazines and runways are full of stick thin models portraying the need to be thin and scantily dressed to our daughters. They are showing the young, beautiful, Hollywood as young partying women that drink and possibly do drugs, wearing little to almost no clothes.

On top of all this, they are even making dolls and toys selling "sexy" looks to younger girls. The Bratz dolls have been banned from my house. They look like little hookers. Yet they are just as popular to little girls a s Barbies. Go to any Walmart toy store and see, one side is Barbie, the other Bratz.

It's a scary world we are living in. Our little girls are growing up too fast. Even if we monitor our daughters, they are hearing this stuff at school, seeing little girls dressed inappropriate at school, or are playing with dolls like this at friends house.

I am a mother who is very disappointed in Miley and her family for what has happened. I understand people make mistakes, but this is not a mistake that I, as a mother, and a consumer, am likely to ignore. We, as mothers and fathers, have paid Miley and her family. We have been willing to buy her merchandise, do crazy things for tickets, and support her show. I expected a lot more for my money than this.

Well, that's me venting...

thought for today.....
Who is your daughter looking up to? In real life, and in the celebrity world!

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