Monday, May 12, 2008

"What the Hail"

I promise, I will update everyone on what is going on. But I only have a few minutes right now, so I thought I would tell you the funniest quote to come out of my child's mouth this weekend! (FYI my new laptop will be here soon and I will be able to update more often!!! Have I told you, it's green?!)
So this weekend, we had storms. Lots of them! Thunder, lightning, rain, and wind. Then my son hears a ping ping ping and wants to know what it is. So we look outside and I see hail. Neither of my children have seen hail before. B said "look mommy it's snowing!" In Charleston, in May, (note to self: need to work on weather with B this summer!)
I said "No guys, it's hail. Little balls of rain that fall from the sky (note to self: need to research exactly what hail is). So Isaiah very quickly with his southern draw says.....

WHAT THE HAIL? say the darnedest things!!
I will let everyone know how the new job stuff and mothers day and everything else is going very soon!!!!

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