Sunday, June 1, 2008


Yes my father is going crazy! When I told him that I had found Aaron and that Aaron was coming to visit, I fully expected and braced myself for one of his infamous relationship "speeches". Instead he seemed somewhat interested and not completely against it. But the crazy part was the next day. Brit was talking to PAPA and he started singing with her..."Mommy and Aaron sitting in a tree!" WHAT???!!! I called my s-i-l to inform her that we might need to look into having my father committed! It's not that my father is not supportive of my relationships. I think that he really believes that no one is good enough for me.

So in case you haven't heard from me yet, yes Aaron is coming to visit me July 3! I can't wait. I even called to see if David (my brother) and Claire (my sil) would like to get together one night while Aaron is here, for dinner. I'm so excited! That many years and here we are. Everyone I have talked to has said this is such a romantic story!

Other than that, Brittany is waiting for school to finish. 3 and a half days left! I can't believe that we have been in SC for 10 months. How amazing life has become. We have our daily struggles, but we are doing ok.

I am stressing at work. I am feeling paranoid (I don't know yet if these are founded feelings) about my job. It was so bad this week that I was actually breaking out in hives.

Isaiah is his normal rambunctious self.

Well, this Cinderella is going to get back to sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor!

It's a great relaxing I will not leave you with any complicated thoughts!!!!! Enjoy the break....there will be homework tomorrow!

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