Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mrs. Tania Burghbacher

Very sad news came today. Pastor Larry's wife Tania Burghbacher passed away yesterday. She was such a strong woman. I will always remember her strength as a mother, wife, and woman. She will be greatly missed.

Death is something that I have a very hard thing understanding. It makes me very sad to think of someone passing away. I know without a doubt that she is now in heaven and praising the Lord, just like she was every Sunday (probably even more so). My heart hurts for her husband, her children, and her grandchildren.

We have all lost someone in our lives and I know that death happens to everyone. The thought of having someone that you have promised to love forever gone in the blink of an eye makes you realize that it can happen at any moment to any of us. We are not promised tomorrow.
I'm infamous for putting stuff off until another day: laughing, cuddling, playing, loving, apologizing.

My thought for today, make sure the ones that are important to you and that you are important to, know that you love them.

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