Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Does anyone realize what today is???

Ok so it's not a big holiday or anything. But today July 2, 2008 is a very big day. In exactly 6 months from today I will be 30.

I only have 6 months left of my youth and childhood. 6 more months to get away with stupid things. It's a stepping stone that we all reach. In the grand life plan I set, things haven't exactly gone like I planned! Here is something I wrote right before my 10 year high school reunion a couple years ago...but it seems pretty appropriate right now:

Alot of you know I have been going crazy with the thought of my ten year high school reunion coming up. I am taken back to a day in june of 1996 wearing a burgandy cap and gown and life was all planned out. College, theater management for my career, meet mr right, house, travel, and kids. That order.
Here I am 10 years later. I've been looking for other Oakton Alumni ( yes they are out there) and have realized that I am older than I thought. Did you know there are "ALUMNI" from the year my children were born??? And I have even been using the phrase "back in the day". And here is where my life stands:
met mr wrong and then mr even wronger. had an angel (my daughter) and started back to college.gave birth to my prince (son), finally got a grown up job where I can afford the RENT on my house. and once again found mr wrongest. So easy to see why I have been contemplating life right?
I have noticed many of you (or them) have achieved so much in life. A couple of you stayed in even traveling in a Broadway company. Many have gotten married and had babies....even more have traveled the world. Have you really seen where Oakton High Alumni have gone and done with their lives?
But this week something happened. I realized I wasn't too far off from where i wanted to be 10 years after graduation. I'm in college. And as far as theater...I am an actress everyday when I read my babies stories, when we put on puppet shows, and when I remember Good Ole Mr. Bromley and "Leave your problems at the door" I do this every night when i come home....all my problems sit on my front porch. Which isnt really my front porch so there fore...not my problems (how did you like they way I pulled that one out!). I'll be buying my own house hopefully in a year or so. I guess that will bring with it its own problems right? So lets see what is left on my I moved from NOVA ( which I noticed many of you haven't done and want to) and took the long way thru Detroit and Atlanta to get to a little town in North Carolina called China Grove. So that could qualify as traveling. Didn't rack up frequent flyer miles or anything...but still....its traveling. And last but not least...Mr. Right, Well I will have to leave this one alone. I am patiently waiting for him to walk into my life. maybe he has, who knows. I can only trust that the Lord wouldn't want me to be single the rest of my life right?
Ok Soo back to my thoughts and realizations this week. Life isnt what you want it be. Its about making it the best life for you at that time. You know what else...I wouldn't trade my life with any of you out there.
I may not have ended up in the city with the brightest lights...but you can't beat the stars or moon oon a clear night in the country. I may not have made it around the world...but hey I dont like to fly I can read about it. As far as Mr. right......I would like to tell him that I pray for my future husband....I really do. My sister in law told me to do that. I pray that he isnt getting his heart broken like I have and I pray that he is happy. And i would like to tell him...sweet dreams and I love you and can't wait to meet you....

So back to 6 months to go. Things aren't going THAT bad in my life. I have a great job and two great kids. Yes I'm going through a big heartbreak and not sure if/when/how that will heal. But at least now I don't need to spend another 8 years wondering about Aaron. Will I meet someone...who knows. But I'm still young for 6 more months...moght as well go kiss a couple more frogs while I'm young enough to enjoy!!!

So my thought for what age did you feel like you were "old" and is there anything you wish you had done before reaching that age?

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