Monday, April 28, 2008

Telephones; Pink Eye, Playgrounds, and Pickup Lines; and Time Away

Wow a lot to cover today! First off, go check this out, it's really neat to see. I love Phil and Chris from American Idol and honestly, who doesn't like Amy Grant or Michael W. Smith!

Okay so let's get this blog started!


So in case you didn't notice, my phone didn't work last Wednesday-Friday. Ever think you mailed a payment? I did! Ever "disregard" a past due notice because it said if payment has been sent please disregard? I did! And when you realize your phone didn't work you found your payment stuck in the console of your car because you forgot to put it in the mail box? Probably not, but I did! But it was actually nice. The kids and I were able to have one on one time with each other (television was off too!) We used chalk and colored outside, had uninterrupted dinners, and lots of reading time and cuddling time. I know I did alot of thinking about Brittany and Isaiah and life. I mean is it really that serious a thing? Is life that serious? I worry so much about what we need and what we want that I forget, Jesus didn't have a telephone or a laptop. How cool would it have been to go online and read Jesus' blog everyday! But seriously, I have a brother and sister-in-law that live 10 minutes away and yet I go check her blog everyday to find out how they are. It makes me a little sad.

I guess for those that couldn't get in contact with us, it wasn't quite as relaxing (sorry!) or thought provoking (except worries).

Pink Eye, Playgrounds, and Pickup Lines

So for those that don't know yet, Brittany had to go to the doctor Thursday. Apparently Lathan and Hailey had pink eye and now it has made it's way into our house. (Praise the Lord that Isaiah didn't get it!). Thank you to the public school system for basically giving me a day off! Thursday is always Thursday McDonald's night. We went to the McDonald's with a playground where my children amazed me with things. A little boy came in with his father. All three kids started playing. The little boy (Jonathan) and Britt and Isaiah played (final tally was 2 hours-hey we had no reason to hurry home). They played astronauts, princess, pirates, planets, and bugs climbing trees. Jonathan's father and I had made small chitchat about the kids and that was about it....until.....(scary how my "turn-on's" have changed)....catastrophe struck...we were stuck in the mcdonalds forever with a meteor coming towards was up to us to save the world...ok just kidding! Brittany skinned her knee...but in her world this is comparable to having your whole leg cut off! So she is upset and looking at her leg and I'm giving her napkins to clean up. This man stands up, reaches in his wallet and pulls out........a band-aid! I literally could have kissed him right then. I, the mother that carries snacks and cameras every where we go...did not even have a band aid in the diaper bag! Eventually it was time to peel the kids away and head home. Isaiah asked if Thursday night McDonald's night was over and would we really come back next week (we do this every week, why he felt it necessary to ask I don't know!). I told him of course we would come back. So Jonathan's father turns around with this goofy grin on his face and says (I promise I'm not making this up...)

so, do you come here often?

Took everything I had not to spit my (kid's size) coke across the playground. I told him that yes in fact we come every Thursday night. He introduced himself and says that maybe him and Jonathan will see us next time at the "Same time, Same place!"
So I consider this a play date!

I know, it's as cheesy as a quarter pounder mcdonald's sandwich!

Time Away

Ever do something because you thought you needed to but knew that no one would understand and everyone would want an explanation? I did this weekend. It has been a stress filled week with the news about Brittany and her struggling with school. So Friday night we went to church like always and headed out for a surprise road trip.

If you have never struggled with depression I don't expect you to understand what I did. But with the ongoing concern about Brittany and issues she is having. I thought that a visit to her favorite place would help. So we went to North Carolina as a surprise. I think it did a world of good for Brittany. She now sees that North Carolina isn't just a distant place. We can go back and visit. My family there were very thankful and grateful for the time we spent. No boundaries or lines were crossed and no one got hurt. I think after talking with everyone, that we could see how all that has been going on has effected Brittany. There were no tears when we left and I think everyone (Devon, Britt, Isaiah, and myself) were glad to be headed home.

Brittany and I had a long talk going home last night and even this morning, I noticed a change in her. It's like she understands now that I didn't take her away, we can always go back and visit. She loves our life here, but I think it helped her realize...SC is home now. and NC is a great place to go visit!

in conclusion!

So I know it's been an abnormal week, but God is speaking to me and working on me. I have felt for a long time that God was getting ready to do something amazing with my life, in my life. I have been waiting for it. While Brittany and Isaiah were sleeping I prayed for God to protect them and to help Brittany. I prayed that whatever God had in store for us as a family that He put a hedge of protection around is to keep us safe. God reminded me of something a pastor had preached about. We are God's vessels. Wherever we step, we are stepping on Holy Ground because WE are on it. Every where we go, He goes with us. For some reason this thought kept running through my mind. Then I realized. God's already doing great things. I have a daughter who is in her school talking about Jesus as the "king of kings" and "Lord of Lords". She is using pictures with captions of what Jesus did for us. God is showing me how to live my life.

I guess to take a quote from an earlier post...I'm learning to walk alone and trust me, I'm picking up every penny!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Busy week and running late!

OK I know it's been a week since my last post, but I have a good excuse...the dog ate my homework. No it's been a pretty busy week with alot of ups and downs.
There has been lots of news and going ons at work about a new position for me. I still haven't heard all the details and numbers yet, but I expect it to be great!
I have been working with Brittany's school about some problems she's been having.
The best news is that my third niece was born on Monday! Emma Joy came into the world! How exciting! I got to go see her yesterday and she is beautiful.

The radio was talking about excuses that people used about being late for work that were so off the wall and crazy that they sounded untrue...but really were true. Some of mine are below....

I can't find Brittany! This was when she was sleepwalking at night. Every morning I would wake up and have to go hunting through the house to find her. She could be anywhere, under the couch, in the bath tub, closet. This particular morning she was nowhere to be seen. Finally I kept hearing a noise in the kitchen. There she was...blanket and all, cuddled up with my pots and pans!

I can't find my keys! Ok I have used this one alot! With two kids, this is the most common excuse I have used! I have spent up to an hour looking for my keys. They have been put in dirty clothes baskets, under the couch, toy boxes, plastic Easter eggs, and the toilet. One time, Isaiah thought it would be funny to play hide and seek with my keys and refused to tell me where they were. Brittany once wanted to play HOT/COLD while I looked one morning.

I had to change clothes because Britt/Isaiah spilled......on me! It never fails that at least once a month I have to change my clothes (or Isaiah or Britt's) because someone threw up, someone pottied, someone thought it would be funny to play Frisbee with jelly toast, or spitball with Kix cereal. Never fails!

I took the wrong turn! I have gotten so distracted with my alone time after I drop the kids off that I forget where I am going.

I had to go back home to put on shoes instead of my fuzzy green slippers! I was so excited one morning when I first started potty training Isaiah that I forgot we were running late. I gathered the kids and dropped Britt off at school. When I went to drop off Isaiah, his teacher asked me if we had casual Fridays. I said yes (I was in jeans!) She said "Is it so casual you can wear big green fuzzy slippers?". Not quite!

I still had the trash on my trunk! I put the trash on my trunk and take it to the dumpster on my way out of the apartment complex. Can't tell you how many times I get out on the main road just to realize that I have a bag of trash on my trunk!

The best one....

I have to go to the pet store and get a shell for my daughter's hermit crab because he doesn't like the ones we have for him! Seriously had to use this one. My daughter went through a phase where we had several hermit crabs as pets...big ones! Well I had bought 3 extra shells in anticipation of them growing out of their current shells. I woke up one morning to my daughter shrieking that "Rainbow" was naked!? "Rainbow" had come out of her shell and was so stubborn that she wouldn't into another one. The pet store said hermit crabs were picky and would die if they didn't get back into a shell. This meant only one thing...I had to go get another group of shells for "Rainbow" to chose from. I called work and explained that I would be late and would tell them why when I got there. I went to the store bought 6 shells of different sizes and shapes, took them to "Rainbow" and went on to work. Of course I had to explain this story. However, "Rainbow" was so picky that she choose to die instead of getting into one of those darned shells!

So, how bout you? What's the craziest excuse that was actually true, did you use for being late for work, or not turning in an assignment????????

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Walking Alone and Picking Up Pennies

So I had 2 hours to myself this weekend thanks to my very pregnant and sweet sister-in-law and my brother. I went to the bookstore to get a cup of iced coffee and wander around. It was a much needed and enjoyed break from the real world. I lose myself in books so many times that it would only seem natural to lose myself even more in a bookstore. As I wandered around trying to find a great book to read I wondered. Now that my life has changed how will it affect the things I let enter my mind. I have never felt this hunger, desire, and longing to follow the Lord. I walked up and down the aisles and didn't feel comfortable looking at books I would normally read. They are filled with immorality, sex, and alot of junk. I began to think this wasn't a good idea. I went to relax and there I was wondering how bad I would feel after filling my head with junk and lies. So I went to the Christian section. I had heard about a couple books from ladies at church, one being The Penny and the other being Breaking Free. I found both of them and settled down into an oversized chair with my iced coffee.

Before I knew it, my time alone was up and I needed to return to reality. In my reading today of Breaking Free, Beth Moore makes the statement that "If our liberty in Christ is going to be a reality in life, we are going to have to learn to walk in freedom of Christ, independent of everyone else we know." Do I walk alone and independently? Probably not as much as I need to. I look to alot of people with regards to my faith. I ask alot of questions. I see myself as a toddler in Christ (we all start out as babies when we first get saved---It's a silly analogy, but it works). I'm starting to feel independent, but still asking for people to hold my hands at times. The one I should be asking to hold my hand is Jesus, but I'm learning and I think God is proud of where I am going and how well I am toddling my way through to childhood and eventually an adult relationship with Christ.

I am lucky though. I have some great people to ask to hold my hand and fortunately they show me how to walk in my own too. My brother and Dad are the best at this. Dad really reminds me of things I have read or heard in church that have helped me in the past. David, my brother, will tell me where to look in the Bible for the answers I am looking for. One day I'll be able to walk in my relationship with Christ by myself, but for know, I am thankful for the hands to hold.

However so many times in my past (and I know others too) I look for someone else to be in charge of my relationship with God. I look at the tv for answers, or to music, or to people that may not be truly saved for advice on my life. Instead of looking up. It's ok to be a toddler, but eventually we all have to walk. We can't learn to walk from someone who is still crawling or can't even sit up yet.

The other book I got, The Penny (by Joyce Meyer) is a fictional book. It is about a little girl in a bad childhood, that finds a penny. The circumstances surrounding the picking up off the ground of this penny change her life and lead her on an amazing path of self discovery and salvation. The descriptions of Jesus' love and what he can do in your life as described by this little girl is simple yet complex. I haven't finished it yet, but I can't wait to! The way she turns the pennies around and ends up inspiring and cheering up others is a great story. She sees the penny as a reminder of God's love for her. His desire to clean our stains and make us new. It reminds her that he has planted a seed of greatness in her.

So my thought that I leave you with today is......

When you are walking alone in Christ, will you pick up your pennies and remember what God has done for you? Will you pass those pennies on? Or will you be too busy holding other peoples hands, relying on them that you can't stop and pick up your penny?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Passed on from Generation to Generation????

I am reading Beth Moore's Breaking Free. Today I was reading about the Kings of Isaiah's time. It was weird how they were related and maybe because of what each father did before their son, it shaped how the son reigned.

King Uzziah started off sounding like a good guy. (mind you I have never heard of these people before today!) His name means "the Lord is my strength". Unfortunately he became too prideful. He thought he could light incense in the temple of the Lord (even though that right was only for the Priests). He didn't listen to the priests when they told him this and according to 2 Chronicles 26:19 he broke out with leprosy. God didn't even let it slowly hit, He punished him right there! This man had been by all other accounts a good man, but when he died all he was remembered for was having leprosy!

King Uzziah's son, Jotham seems like an even better guy, he worshipped the Lord, but wouldn't take down the false idols! He did not stand up for the Lord's rules and tell his people that is was not right to worship false idols.

King Ahaz, Jotham's son was a horrible man. He worshipped false gods, and even made sacrifices out of 3 of his sons to these false gods (2 Chronicles 28:3). What Beth Moore points out is that had his father torn down the altars of the false idols, it is possible that Ahaz would not have ended up on the position he was.

The next king is Hezekiah. He loved God and destroyed the "high places" where the sacrifices to Baal took place. God spared his life and protected him for many years. However in his final days, he cried out to God and God let him live for 15 more years. Hezekiah began to think that it was because of his work or his favorability with the Lord that made him live those extra years. Hezekaih was still filled with pride that when the the emissaries from Babylon came to congratulate him for his health, he showed them all his treasures. They ended taking his nation into captivity.

4 generations and they didn't learn from each other. Or maybe they did. I look at where I stand in my life, where I was, and where I am going. I think about 4 generations ago and where they were and what they did with their life that made a lasting impression on my life. Some good, but just as much bad. Even looking at the 4 generations that surround my daughter and I. The teachings of my father and my mother. What my Grandmothers have taught me. What I am teaching my daughter and son.

All I know is that when my great grandchild is born, I don't want him/her to be following in my sinful steps. I want them to see the love of God and the love of walking in the truth and the light still shining in my children, my grandchildren. Then My great-grandchildren will not learn that hatred and apathy and lieing are ok. They will learn that love and compassion and truth are what is expected and what is right in this family.

We all stand at a place right now to change our family. Our children's lives, even our parents' lives can be changed by the decision that we make today. Wow, what I do today can affect 4 generations forwards and all generations that are still alive from the past. That's really cool. I am reminded of Proverbs 22:6 (thanks Claire!) Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Alot of families spend time going through their worldly treasures and dividing up what each of their children will get when the parents pass on. The thought I leave you with today is this....

Which spiritual fruit or attribute would you leave from yourself for your children?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Burn Baby Burn

So it's pretty cool when you hear things at just the right time! I was feeling pretty down yesterday with all that's been going on. I've had some family issues this week, the kids were driving me crazy, I have had a rough week at work, not to mention the dentist catastrophe that ended with 3 shots of Novocaine and laughing gas, plus finding out about Mary Ann.

For those of you that haven't heard yet, I found out that a friend of mine from North Carolina passed away from cancer on Monday. The thing I will always remember about Mary Ann is her candle. She kept a candle that smelled like the beach and when I was stressing she would tell me to come by her office and we would go to the beach! It shocked me to hear the news, she was an incredible person and will be missed dearly!

Also, I went to the dentist and that in and of itself was an experience. I have decided that laughing gas is my drug of choice and that my daughter can be very mean! After the shots of Novocaine the dentist and the ladies at his office spent 20 minutes convincing me my face wasn't swollen and laughing at me trying to talk. I envisioned droopy dog the cartoon every time I touched my face! I explained to Brittany and Isaiah why mommy was talking funny. I told them that mommy didn't take good care of her teeth and that is why she had problems today. So Britt asks me if I can feel my face and I said no. My brave brave daughter, smacks me in the face. Then she thinks it is so funny that she pokes my cheeks all the way home!

Thursday night was choir rehearsal and I took the kids with me. I thought they would be good and sit and color for 1 hour. Apparently not! Before choir even started I knew this was not one of my better ideas and contemplated whether I could duck tape them to the pews...(just kidding). So a lady from choir came and we talked about the trials and tribulations I was feeling and I cried. I mean really cried.

Pastor Larell started talking about this story in the Bible (I don't know where it is from). He said that there was this town and the "good" people took it over. They gave the town to God. Then they took swords and killed everything young and old. He explained that they did this so that nothing evil or bad could reproduce. Then they burned it and cursed anyone who tried to rebuild it. This story really didn't make that much sense to me, but Pastor Larell was getting excited as he told it so I knew he was going somewhere. He said when we become Christians we have to "kill" off all the evil in our life and to make sure that it is gone and cannot show back up in our life. Then burn it, just to make sure all the bad is gone. He said that people say all the time, don't burn your bridges. He said Burn, burn, burn! He also said that sometimes we may get in a rut. The longer we stay in the rut trying to get out, we may get disorganized and turned around. We may start looking back at where we came from and think that wasn't so bad and decide to go back. He said don't go back. Don't look at the past, don't look at today, look at where you are going, where God wants you to be going. He said his new phrase is "I could care less". Because if you care less about the drama, you care more about something else. If you care less about the arguing with someone then you care more about something else.

Another thought that I heard. It's good to be broken. God is always trying to show us how to be better people, how to be better Christians. If you aren't broke, he can't fix you!

Just a thought, do you have bridges to burn so that you can start to care less? I know I do!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Why do you doubt me?

I started looking up the stories in the bible that talk about storms. (I guess I'm trying to arm myself to not fall victim of the storms of life again.) I was reading in Matthew 14: 22-36.

I am not a preacher, minister or pastor. Nor am I the person anyone should go to for biblical interpretations or philosophy. I can only tell you what I see/read/believe. Please do not believe it. Please find your own belief about it.

I am trying to picture this. Jesus has just fed a whole lot of people with a couple loaves of bread and some fish. Only Jesus could pull off a feast of this magnitude. Pretty sure that I couldn't have done it. The disciples have been with him, witnessed the amazing things he can do. They have left their lives behind to follow this man. Obviously they trust Him. Jesus is trying to dismiss the crowd and tells the disciples to get in the boat and go ahead, He will meet them on the other side.
When He is done doing the things he needed to do, the boat is already out at sea and apparently getting hit with some pretty bad winds. SO Jesus, being the man that He is, doesn't ask them to fight the storm and come back. He walks on the water. The disciples, thought He was a ghost. As humans, do you blame them. It was morning and windy and probably foggy, they may have been sleeping. Then there is a man that appears to be walking on water.

But Jesus tells them, Do not be afraid, it's me. (OK not those exact words, but you get the point.)

So Peter says, if it's you, tell me to come to you. So Jesus does. Peter gets out on the water and when the wind blows, he starts to sink and tells Jesus that he is afraid and yells out Jesus save me.

Jesus, reaches out his hand and says you of little faith, why did you doubt.

How comforting to know, that even the disciples were afraid and doubtful. How many times has Jesus told you to come? Get out of the boat. We trust Him enough to get out, yet once we step out of our proverbial box (or boat) we get scared, and start to sink. We cry out God save me! He is standing right there. Right in front of us. If I were Peter, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing.

Peter asks Jesus, tell me to come. He believes that it is Him. Yet when the wind starts to blow...he gets scared, I'm sure he lost his eye contact with Jesus, couldn't see through the wind and fog. So he cries out, Jesus, save me. He trust Him enough to get out of the boat, but is scared that he will drown.

Just last year, I made a move to SC. I felt it was the best decision for my family and myself. I trusted God would get me to SC. When I got here, I forgot, that God came with me. I had a hard time finding a job and got discouraged, forgetting that God didn't leave me at the border of SC/NC. He was right there to grab my hand and pull me back up.

To me this story is showing that if God tells you to Go...then when you step out of your own comfort zone, He will be able to hold your hand, but only if you believe.

So how bout you? When you get out of the boat, will you get scared and sink, or will you still trust that God didn't bring you out of the boat to let you sink?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Building Airplanes

As promised yesterday, I will tell you about building airplanes. This story came from the radio station. A man finished building an airplane after 21 years. Apparently he started it 21 years ago.After a while he realized his children were growing up and he was out in the garage building an airplane and missing the family time. So he stopped working on the plane. When his children went off to college , he finished the plane.

Here's my thoughts...was this a model plane or a real plane?? Not sure! But they said he (don't know is name so we will call him Fred), er Fred, would come home from work and go straight to the garage and work on the plane. Fred's wife and kids wouldn't see him again until dinner and bed. I got to thinking about what kind of airplanes am I building that are distracting me from my children growing up. They grow up right before our very eyes. So in my life I want to make sure I am not too busy building an airplane that I miss it.

I have started our tradition of dinner is always at the dinner table and we eat together. We ask each other what the favorite part of their day was and what their worst part was. Our dining room table was given to us by an amazing couple at our church and I really hope they know how much it has brought my family together. It has helped us grow our relationship as a family. This helps keep airplanes out of our house!

TV is a big airplane in our house. This is on the kids side more so than mine. They get so wrapped up in it that they actually cry if the have to go without it. I guess American Idol could be considered an airplane for me. I make sure everything is done before AI comes on Tuesday and Wednesday. So that there are no distractions.

Radio is my big airplane in the car. I find that I keep the radio on in the car all the time. I really need to start using that time to talk with Brittany, and Isaiah too, but especially Britt.

Stress is probably the biggest airplane in our house. When I am stressed, I send kids to their rooms. I get so caught up in my own thoughts that I miss the pictures Isaiah drew for me, or the song Britt wrote for me.

So the question now becomes this...How do we put down that airplane for 21 years? You can't always I guess. But maybe some reprioritizing is in order. I know that when I am stressed the kids are more anxious, less likely to listen and I am more likely to yell.

It makes me so sad to think that I only have 10 more years of Brittany as a child and 15 for Isaiah. I am in no way trying to say that I have all the answers in my blog. That's not why I started it. I started it to be able to ramble. To be able to reflect on my family, my life, and my thoughts. If along the way someone makes a comment that is helpful for us or someone else...great! But in the time I have left with my CHILDRen I don't want them to say....Mommy did a great job building airplanes.

So, the thought I leave you with now is ......

What 's your airplane and could you put it down for 21 years!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Change of Plans! Reliving My Childhood (at 29!)

OK so I had this great idea after listening to a radio conversation this morning that I was going to write about building airplanes. And I will, just not today. Because in case you didn't know, today is an important day in history. Yes MLKJr was murdered today and that is an important thing to remember. This however is a little more positive.


So far this has been a great year for reminiscing (thank goodness for spell check). First New Kids on the Block announce they are going to do a reunion tour! How awesome! Then they are bringing back Beverly Hills 90210. So today NKOTB was on Today show talking about their reunion. They didn't perform (but they are coming back in May to sing!). Then during lunch the radio station did a whole hour of NKOTB songs and contests!!!!!!

Just to put this into perspective. NKOTB was my first concert. Joey sang "Please Don't Go Girl" directly to me and my knees went weak and I about fell out in RFK stadium (the stadium that shakes!!) My stepfather (yes that is love!) stood in line for hours unbeknownst to me to get tickets for me. My Uncle Mickey took me to the mall that same day and bought me everything he could find that had NKOTB on it. These two incredible men have both passed on now, but they are both connected to my NKOTB memories...or maybe it's reversed and that is why NKOTB holds a special place in my heart!

So when I heard about the news of this reunion tour...yes one way or the other I will be at a show...I bought a NKOTB CD. Just my luck their greatest hits CD was in the $5 bin! Some would say there was a reason for that, but my mind says...there are no coincidences in life and took this low price as a blessing! I just knew that my "cool" and "fashionable" 8 year old would share in my love and joy. I mean, I share her love of the Jonas Brothers and in my world, NKOTB helped start the boy band rage (OK I know, the Beatles did that, but NKOTB helped bring it back). They opened the way for 98 degrees, backstreet boys, and NSYNC. So I planned an afternoon of music for me and my daughter. Isaiah was napping. And I told Brittany I wanted to do something fun just me and her. I put in the CD, cleared out the living room so we could maximize our dance space, and waited. Those first couple notes came through the radio and I waited! I expected her to throw her hands up to her face and squeal in delight. I kept watching and YES there she goes her hands are going to her face, wait, they are going past her cheeks and her ears...OK but her mouth is opening she is going to squeal! Nope....she sticks her tongue out! My daughter has no appreciation for good music. So I start showing her the dances arm pump, arm jab, hip jerk and turn. At this point I fall and my daughter finally shows enthusiasm for this! I assumed she would help her OLD mother up, but no, she changed the NKOTB CD to High School Musical!

So my daughter won't share my love of NKOTB with me. There are plenty of things that I loved as a kid that I want to share the joys with my children. below are just a few....

snoopy slushy machine!

Saved By the Bell!

potholder maker things!

roller skating (not blading...actually skating!)

Tommy Page, Tiffany, Debbie Gibson

Rocket popsicles from the ice cream truck!

the Mickey Mouse club with Brittany and Christina and Justin

Maybe I haven't reached the age where I want to relive my childhood, but I just don't want to let it go, or maybe, I want my daughter to relive my childhood, because it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!

I am refusing to believe that it is a sign you are getting old when your favorite band goes on a reunion tour!

Well that's your thought for today...not so complicated...but it is Friday! Have a great weekend and I'll be back Monday with notes of the weekend and notes on what we talked about at church on Sunday!

Relax, enjoy the spring weather, and take some time to think about your childhood, your parents childhood, and your childrens childhood!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Single Parent???

Huh! The more I thought about this name we are given, the more I thought about how wrong it is! Here's why:

1. Every parent has at least 2 (sometimes 3 or 4 depending on remarriages) parents.
These parents will offer words of wisdom when asked! But more times than not they will offer their opinions, even when not asked. I personally have a father, a mother, and a stepfather. All of whom I love dearly.
My father is the Logical/Voice of Reason/(picture Jiminy Cricket on your shoulder...seriously, my conscience is my father's voice!). He offers the most sound advise, wise beyond his 52 years! He has however learned that just because he offers advise I won't necessarily take it. I realize now that lately, he just waits for me to ask, or waits for me to call him crying and asking him what to do.
My mother is simply put my best friend. She comforts me when I'm stressed, lets me vent when my children drive me crazy, and laughs with me during crazy American Idol things! She also will express her opinions. Her opinions are like my father's always listened to and not always taken.
Then there is my stepfather Mike...The strong silent one. (This I like) It's not that he doesn't offer advise, but it's more of subtly saying that he's proud of me or he has heard the wonderful things I am doing and keep up the good work. So he in is own way is offering his opinion.
All of these are great by the way Dad, Mom, and Mike! I appreciate all of you!

2. Then some of us have Brothers and Sisters (in-laws)
I do! David and Claire are absolutely amazing! I know their life isn't always perfect, their children are not always perfect, and they are not always perfect, but they remind me of the happy couples from the old days of black and white TV. Claire amazes me with her strength as a woman, mother, and wife. David is an amazing father. He has balanced work, school, and family and managed to graduate from Liberty University in the middle of all that. (For that I am truly proud of him for). These two people are always willing to offer advise when asked. They are both inspirations for me.

3. Friends (Single, Married, Parents, and even Non-Parents)
These people are the ones that drive me crazy! They don't realize that my children are not like their children. (In case you didn't know all children are not the same!) But friends don't always let you vent without saying, "If my child ever did that I would......."

4. The Other Parent
As parentS raising children together, you put on the unified front. You both work together for the peace of the household. However, in a separated/single parent circumstance, you are subconsciously criticizing everything the other parent does. Whether they currently have the child or not. I know I do this.
When Britt's dad does not have her, I criticize him when he calls too much and when he doesn't call enough. I express frustration when he talks about going out and (in my mind sometimes) "being free". But when she's with him, I criticize him still, for not doing things the "mommy" way. He does the same things though. He is always willing to tell me exactly what to do with Brittany, even though he really doesn't understand her day to day issues.
Isaiah's father is not around, but I know I find myself criticizing him too. (I'm sure he sits around criticizing me) Glad he's not around, mad he's not around. Thinking if he would be a good father if he were around, When I was pregnant and even before then, he always had advise on everything in life...and I'm sure would have lots of opinions on raising Isaiah.

5. Complete Strangers
These people come out of nowhere! Stores, radio, books, tv, church, restaurants, etc etc etc. I don't know which ones are the hardest to deal with, The ones that tell you your children are perfect angels! (when they have just dumped your purse one item at a time through a three hour Wal-mart excursion) or the ones that look at you when they are throwing temper tantrums in the restaurant. I like the ones on TV and radio that have all this advise to give.

Not all advise is bad. Please don't think I am saying that at all...especially if you are someone who offers me advice that I have taken!

First thought...if you don't have kids, don't offer advise.

Secondly, if you aren't a single mother...don't offer the encouraging words, that one day it will get better. Because on those rough days when I am counting the 3,584 days till Brittany turns 18 and someone reminds me that it will get better, I think about the day my baby girl goes off to college, and gets married. Then I start crying. I turn and look at Brittany with tears and mascara running down my face and Brittany looks at Isaiah and says...."Uh-oh We did it now...we made mommy cry!" And I then remember, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm selfish. I want both of them to myself and hate when it's not just the Three Musketeers!

I guess the thought that I will leave you with today is....even if I could, I wouldn't change being a single mom. If one day that changes and I get married (gasp) then I will remember the times I was strong, the times when I cried in wal-mart, the times when I didn't know what to do, and the time I was my son's superhero fixing his favorite power ranger, the times when I wanted to be by myself and the times when I cuddled with all three of us in the bed.

I think, we will have extra cuddle time tonight....just this "single" parent and her kids!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jesus Bring the Rain

I don't know if you have heard this song (can't think of who sings it...just know that I like it). It was playing on the radio today and it got me thinking (SCARY!). I thought about my life (even scarier). Ok I just looked it up and it is sung by mercy me...and here are the lyrics:

"Bring The Rain"
I can count a million times
People asking me how
I Can praise You with all that I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You
Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray
Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain

I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what's a little rain
So I pray

In the past when things were bad, I would search for all the answers. Try to put my faith in God, but still look for humans to fix my problems. Little did I realize, or more accurately, little would I admit, that I was in trouble because of my own misguided ways. It wasn't the world attacking me, it was me attacking myself. Anyways, I would go to church and "proclaim" my faith that God would pull me through... hoping that if I said it enough, I would believe it. When I got out of trouble, I would eventually start getting cocky and arrogant thinking that I had made it this far on my own. And it wouldn't be long before I was back looking for someone to help me out of the hole I put myself in.

Oddly enough once things are going OK, I start to get cocky and arrogant. I start thinking I can do things on my own. Pretty soon, the clouds start coming and I panic again.

What I failed to realize through all of this is that if I stand still, in good times and bad, Jesus will calm me. Someone once told me, God doesn't promise to calm the storm but to calm you in the storm. The only times I was even remotely close to God was in the "rain". If that's where God got His praise from me, makes sense that there is where he's going to keep me. Through this recent thirst and hunger for the Lord's word, I have realized that even before I truly loved God, I would cling to Him in times of trouble. Now I'm living for Him and notice that the rain clouds bring more rainbows. Through the most recent rain storms in my life, I haven't felt completely panicked and overwhelmed.

In fact this morning my daughter and I were talking about worry and fear. I explained to Brittany that having Faith in God means that we shouldn't worry (but we are human so we will....I know complicated thoughts for children's minds especially at 7 am!). So she asked me what Faith do you explain to an 8 year old what Faith is? My explanation was when you trust and believe that someone will always do their best is to have faith in them. (Thankfully my daughter has Faith in my words and believes my confidence when we discuss God) (Side note....My church is FAITH Assembly of God...hmm maybe a later blog on the word FAITH).
Back to the worry and fear story...I explained to Brittany what Pastor Larry said in his sermon about No Fear is To Big For God. That God provides for the birds. But he made this world for us. So if He will supply every need that Bird has, then we have to know that He will supply our needs.

So to wrap this up. I want to ask God a favor.
If ever I get arrogant and think I can do it on my own, or if You just need me to spend more time on You, or if I need to just refocus and re prioritize on You, then please wrap me in Your arms, and....Bring the rain!

Never thought about praying for a storm, but like the song says....If that's what it takes to praise You,


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Beginning of the End???

Ok, so here I am starting a blog! How exciting yet how scary! I tend to keep so many thoughts inside my head or in my own journal/notebook that this should be fairly easy. The scary part is that now I can put my thoughts "OUT THERE". Others can see them! Finally you guys, whoever decides to read this, will get a small glimpse of the million of thoughts that go through my head every day.

Ok I guess an introduction is in order:
I am Dawn. Dawn I am...sorry, my three year old's favorite book right now is green eggs and ham. I have been tempted to actually dye the eggs green for him, but can't quite let myself do so. So Isaiah is three and probably the only three year old not potty trained. He is my comedic relief, calming, loving , cuddly, and of course...rambuctious, hyper, and energized (he's half little pink bunny with a drum!!) He finds joy in the simple things, chasing the puppy around, playing in the rain, cuddling in bed with mommy, and sneaking into the "quiet time" bubble bath mommy tries to sneak in every now and then! He loves Thomas the Train, Dora the Explorer, Dr. Seuss, Go Diego, Go, and any kind of book that you read him. He is very smart and is learning his ABC's and 123's.

And then there is Britt. She is 8. The word STRONG WILLED CHILD come to mind with her. She is opionionated and a thinker. She has no concept of time and gets lost in the mornings with random life thoughts. This morning for example, thirty minutes after she got out of the shower and I assumed she was dressed, I ound her sitting on her bed wrapped in her towel. Before I could start our ritual of yelling and fighting mornings...she says.."mommy, I was thinking about a butterfly I saw yesterday that got eaten by a cat." She then adds, "And I was thinking about that story a couple weeks ago where the girl did the.....(My mind was racing as I realized something this morning) I stopped her short, but didn't yell, I explained to her that I was so glad she was thinking and contemplating the great mysteries and thoughts of an 8 year old mind, but that I would like to listen to it when I was able to give her all my attention. WOuld she please get dressed and we could talk about it on the way to school. She is a thinker, a worrier, and I am pretty sure a writer like her mother. She is doing much better in school and is starting to like reading. We are reading Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books (More thoughts from her will come!) She is the BIGGEST High School Musical fan. I am sure I will love being Corbin Bleu's mother in law! She loves the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana, and still doesn't understand why I didn't name her Kelli Pickler.

The third member of our little family (whom I'm sure I will mention many times through my thoughts of the moment) is our dog. Devon Boots Overpeck Jones is as moody as the rest of us in the Overpeck-Jones clan that is our family! He is cute and cuddly, and hyper and obnoxious. But an odd feeling of belonging has surrounded my thoughts of him the last week or so.

Then of course there is me! I think I am the most simple complicated person there is. A walking contradiction. I am trying so hard to do the right things and follow the instruction book the Lord gave me, but knowing that each day I'm going to fail. Sort of like fighting a losing battle. So why fight? Good Question. I guess I fight because one day I want to be the Virtous Woman in the bible. I want my parents to say how proud they are of not my career accomplishments, or of my parental achievements, but to be proud of the fact that I am also their "Sister" in Christ and that I am carrying on the tradition set forth for strong God fearing women in my family by my Grandma Jones and my Aunt Dorothy. I want to be the type of friend who is always there . I want to be the type of parent that my children can learn from ..and not because of all the mistakes I've made. I want them to rise up and call me Blessed. But most importantly, I want to hear my Father say, Well done, good and faithful one.

So there you go, the first complicated thought from this simple mind for my blog.
Don't think too hard,