Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Beginning of the End???

Ok, so here I am starting a blog! How exciting yet how scary! I tend to keep so many thoughts inside my head or in my own journal/notebook that this should be fairly easy. The scary part is that now I can put my thoughts "OUT THERE". Others can see them! Finally you guys, whoever decides to read this, will get a small glimpse of the million of thoughts that go through my head every day.

Ok I guess an introduction is in order:
I am Dawn. Dawn I am...sorry, my three year old's favorite book right now is green eggs and ham. I have been tempted to actually dye the eggs green for him, but can't quite let myself do so. So Isaiah is three and probably the only three year old not potty trained. He is my comedic relief, calming, loving , cuddly, and of course...rambuctious, hyper, and energized (he's half little pink bunny with a drum!!) He finds joy in the simple things, chasing the puppy around, playing in the rain, cuddling in bed with mommy, and sneaking into the "quiet time" bubble bath mommy tries to sneak in every now and then! He loves Thomas the Train, Dora the Explorer, Dr. Seuss, Go Diego, Go, and any kind of book that you read him. He is very smart and is learning his ABC's and 123's.

And then there is Britt. She is 8. The word STRONG WILLED CHILD come to mind with her. She is opionionated and a thinker. She has no concept of time and gets lost in the mornings with random life thoughts. This morning for example, thirty minutes after she got out of the shower and I assumed she was dressed, I ound her sitting on her bed wrapped in her towel. Before I could start our ritual of yelling and fighting mornings...she says.."mommy, I was thinking about a butterfly I saw yesterday that got eaten by a cat." She then adds, "And I was thinking about that story a couple weeks ago where the girl did the.....(My mind was racing as I realized something this morning) I stopped her short, but didn't yell, I explained to her that I was so glad she was thinking and contemplating the great mysteries and thoughts of an 8 year old mind, but that I would like to listen to it when I was able to give her all my attention. WOuld she please get dressed and we could talk about it on the way to school. She is a thinker, a worrier, and I am pretty sure a writer like her mother. She is doing much better in school and is starting to like reading. We are reading Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books (More thoughts from her will come!) She is the BIGGEST High School Musical fan. I am sure I will love being Corbin Bleu's mother in law! She loves the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana, and still doesn't understand why I didn't name her Kelli Pickler.

The third member of our little family (whom I'm sure I will mention many times through my thoughts of the moment) is our dog. Devon Boots Overpeck Jones is as moody as the rest of us in the Overpeck-Jones clan that is our family! He is cute and cuddly, and hyper and obnoxious. But an odd feeling of belonging has surrounded my thoughts of him the last week or so.

Then of course there is me! I think I am the most simple complicated person there is. A walking contradiction. I am trying so hard to do the right things and follow the instruction book the Lord gave me, but knowing that each day I'm going to fail. Sort of like fighting a losing battle. So why fight? Good Question. I guess I fight because one day I want to be the Virtous Woman in the bible. I want my parents to say how proud they are of not my career accomplishments, or of my parental achievements, but to be proud of the fact that I am also their "Sister" in Christ and that I am carrying on the tradition set forth for strong God fearing women in my family by my Grandma Jones and my Aunt Dorothy. I want to be the type of friend who is always there . I want to be the type of parent that my children can learn from ..and not because of all the mistakes I've made. I want them to rise up and call me Blessed. But most importantly, I want to hear my Father say, Well done, good and faithful one.

So there you go, the first complicated thought from this simple mind for my blog.
Don't think too hard,

1 comment:

Marine1Man said...

Wow! Let ne say that again ... Wow! Now backwards ... Wow!
After reading through this multiple times, I found it shifting My thoughts into different, yet "complicated" thoughts of my own. Making me say, almost out loud ... Hmmmmm ... Very intriguing, very interesting, very fun, very insightful, very thoughtful, very thought provoking, very ...
Thanks (Thinks)
I will return, and already find myself looking forward to future complicated, not so complicated, complex, not so complex, simple, and not so simple, thoughts, ideas, items and information in the future.
Good Job! Great Start!