Monday, April 7, 2008

Why do you doubt me?

I started looking up the stories in the bible that talk about storms. (I guess I'm trying to arm myself to not fall victim of the storms of life again.) I was reading in Matthew 14: 22-36.

I am not a preacher, minister or pastor. Nor am I the person anyone should go to for biblical interpretations or philosophy. I can only tell you what I see/read/believe. Please do not believe it. Please find your own belief about it.

I am trying to picture this. Jesus has just fed a whole lot of people with a couple loaves of bread and some fish. Only Jesus could pull off a feast of this magnitude. Pretty sure that I couldn't have done it. The disciples have been with him, witnessed the amazing things he can do. They have left their lives behind to follow this man. Obviously they trust Him. Jesus is trying to dismiss the crowd and tells the disciples to get in the boat and go ahead, He will meet them on the other side.
When He is done doing the things he needed to do, the boat is already out at sea and apparently getting hit with some pretty bad winds. SO Jesus, being the man that He is, doesn't ask them to fight the storm and come back. He walks on the water. The disciples, thought He was a ghost. As humans, do you blame them. It was morning and windy and probably foggy, they may have been sleeping. Then there is a man that appears to be walking on water.

But Jesus tells them, Do not be afraid, it's me. (OK not those exact words, but you get the point.)

So Peter says, if it's you, tell me to come to you. So Jesus does. Peter gets out on the water and when the wind blows, he starts to sink and tells Jesus that he is afraid and yells out Jesus save me.

Jesus, reaches out his hand and says you of little faith, why did you doubt.

How comforting to know, that even the disciples were afraid and doubtful. How many times has Jesus told you to come? Get out of the boat. We trust Him enough to get out, yet once we step out of our proverbial box (or boat) we get scared, and start to sink. We cry out God save me! He is standing right there. Right in front of us. If I were Peter, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing.

Peter asks Jesus, tell me to come. He believes that it is Him. Yet when the wind starts to blow...he gets scared, I'm sure he lost his eye contact with Jesus, couldn't see through the wind and fog. So he cries out, Jesus, save me. He trust Him enough to get out of the boat, but is scared that he will drown.

Just last year, I made a move to SC. I felt it was the best decision for my family and myself. I trusted God would get me to SC. When I got here, I forgot, that God came with me. I had a hard time finding a job and got discouraged, forgetting that God didn't leave me at the border of SC/NC. He was right there to grab my hand and pull me back up.

To me this story is showing that if God tells you to Go...then when you step out of your own comfort zone, He will be able to hold your hand, but only if you believe.

So how bout you? When you get out of the boat, will you get scared and sink, or will you still trust that God didn't bring you out of the boat to let you sink?

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