Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Busy week and running late!

OK I know it's been a week since my last post, but I have a good excuse...the dog ate my homework. No it's been a pretty busy week with alot of ups and downs.
There has been lots of news and going ons at work about a new position for me. I still haven't heard all the details and numbers yet, but I expect it to be great!
I have been working with Brittany's school about some problems she's been having.
The best news is that my third niece was born on Monday! Emma Joy came into the world! How exciting! I got to go see her yesterday and she is beautiful.

The radio was talking about excuses that people used about being late for work that were so off the wall and crazy that they sounded untrue...but really were true. Some of mine are below....

I can't find Brittany! This was when she was sleepwalking at night. Every morning I would wake up and have to go hunting through the house to find her. She could be anywhere, under the couch, in the bath tub, closet. This particular morning she was nowhere to be seen. Finally I kept hearing a noise in the kitchen. There she was...blanket and all, cuddled up with my pots and pans!

I can't find my keys! Ok I have used this one alot! With two kids, this is the most common excuse I have used! I have spent up to an hour looking for my keys. They have been put in dirty clothes baskets, under the couch, toy boxes, plastic Easter eggs, and the toilet. One time, Isaiah thought it would be funny to play hide and seek with my keys and refused to tell me where they were. Brittany once wanted to play HOT/COLD while I looked one morning.

I had to change clothes because Britt/Isaiah spilled......on me! It never fails that at least once a month I have to change my clothes (or Isaiah or Britt's) because someone threw up, someone pottied, someone thought it would be funny to play Frisbee with jelly toast, or spitball with Kix cereal. Never fails!

I took the wrong turn! I have gotten so distracted with my alone time after I drop the kids off that I forget where I am going.

I had to go back home to put on shoes instead of my fuzzy green slippers! I was so excited one morning when I first started potty training Isaiah that I forgot we were running late. I gathered the kids and dropped Britt off at school. When I went to drop off Isaiah, his teacher asked me if we had casual Fridays. I said yes (I was in jeans!) She said "Is it so casual you can wear big green fuzzy slippers?". Not quite!

I still had the trash on my trunk! I put the trash on my trunk and take it to the dumpster on my way out of the apartment complex. Can't tell you how many times I get out on the main road just to realize that I have a bag of trash on my trunk!

The best one....

I have to go to the pet store and get a shell for my daughter's hermit crab because he doesn't like the ones we have for him! Seriously had to use this one. My daughter went through a phase where we had several hermit crabs as pets...big ones! Well I had bought 3 extra shells in anticipation of them growing out of their current shells. I woke up one morning to my daughter shrieking that "Rainbow" was naked!? "Rainbow" had come out of her shell and was so stubborn that she wouldn't into another one. The pet store said hermit crabs were picky and would die if they didn't get back into a shell. This meant only one thing...I had to go get another group of shells for "Rainbow" to chose from. I called work and explained that I would be late and would tell them why when I got there. I went to the store bought 6 shells of different sizes and shapes, took them to "Rainbow" and went on to work. Of course I had to explain this story. However, "Rainbow" was so picky that she choose to die instead of getting into one of those darned shells!

So, how bout you? What's the craziest excuse that was actually true, did you use for being late for work, or not turning in an assignment????????

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