Friday, April 11, 2008

Burn Baby Burn

So it's pretty cool when you hear things at just the right time! I was feeling pretty down yesterday with all that's been going on. I've had some family issues this week, the kids were driving me crazy, I have had a rough week at work, not to mention the dentist catastrophe that ended with 3 shots of Novocaine and laughing gas, plus finding out about Mary Ann.

For those of you that haven't heard yet, I found out that a friend of mine from North Carolina passed away from cancer on Monday. The thing I will always remember about Mary Ann is her candle. She kept a candle that smelled like the beach and when I was stressing she would tell me to come by her office and we would go to the beach! It shocked me to hear the news, she was an incredible person and will be missed dearly!

Also, I went to the dentist and that in and of itself was an experience. I have decided that laughing gas is my drug of choice and that my daughter can be very mean! After the shots of Novocaine the dentist and the ladies at his office spent 20 minutes convincing me my face wasn't swollen and laughing at me trying to talk. I envisioned droopy dog the cartoon every time I touched my face! I explained to Brittany and Isaiah why mommy was talking funny. I told them that mommy didn't take good care of her teeth and that is why she had problems today. So Britt asks me if I can feel my face and I said no. My brave brave daughter, smacks me in the face. Then she thinks it is so funny that she pokes my cheeks all the way home!

Thursday night was choir rehearsal and I took the kids with me. I thought they would be good and sit and color for 1 hour. Apparently not! Before choir even started I knew this was not one of my better ideas and contemplated whether I could duck tape them to the pews...(just kidding). So a lady from choir came and we talked about the trials and tribulations I was feeling and I cried. I mean really cried.

Pastor Larell started talking about this story in the Bible (I don't know where it is from). He said that there was this town and the "good" people took it over. They gave the town to God. Then they took swords and killed everything young and old. He explained that they did this so that nothing evil or bad could reproduce. Then they burned it and cursed anyone who tried to rebuild it. This story really didn't make that much sense to me, but Pastor Larell was getting excited as he told it so I knew he was going somewhere. He said when we become Christians we have to "kill" off all the evil in our life and to make sure that it is gone and cannot show back up in our life. Then burn it, just to make sure all the bad is gone. He said that people say all the time, don't burn your bridges. He said Burn, burn, burn! He also said that sometimes we may get in a rut. The longer we stay in the rut trying to get out, we may get disorganized and turned around. We may start looking back at where we came from and think that wasn't so bad and decide to go back. He said don't go back. Don't look at the past, don't look at today, look at where you are going, where God wants you to be going. He said his new phrase is "I could care less". Because if you care less about the drama, you care more about something else. If you care less about the arguing with someone then you care more about something else.

Another thought that I heard. It's good to be broken. God is always trying to show us how to be better people, how to be better Christians. If you aren't broke, he can't fix you!

Just a thought, do you have bridges to burn so that you can start to care less? I know I do!

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