Friday, April 4, 2008

Change of Plans! Reliving My Childhood (at 29!)

OK so I had this great idea after listening to a radio conversation this morning that I was going to write about building airplanes. And I will, just not today. Because in case you didn't know, today is an important day in history. Yes MLKJr was murdered today and that is an important thing to remember. This however is a little more positive.


So far this has been a great year for reminiscing (thank goodness for spell check). First New Kids on the Block announce they are going to do a reunion tour! How awesome! Then they are bringing back Beverly Hills 90210. So today NKOTB was on Today show talking about their reunion. They didn't perform (but they are coming back in May to sing!). Then during lunch the radio station did a whole hour of NKOTB songs and contests!!!!!!

Just to put this into perspective. NKOTB was my first concert. Joey sang "Please Don't Go Girl" directly to me and my knees went weak and I about fell out in RFK stadium (the stadium that shakes!!) My stepfather (yes that is love!) stood in line for hours unbeknownst to me to get tickets for me. My Uncle Mickey took me to the mall that same day and bought me everything he could find that had NKOTB on it. These two incredible men have both passed on now, but they are both connected to my NKOTB memories...or maybe it's reversed and that is why NKOTB holds a special place in my heart!

So when I heard about the news of this reunion tour...yes one way or the other I will be at a show...I bought a NKOTB CD. Just my luck their greatest hits CD was in the $5 bin! Some would say there was a reason for that, but my mind says...there are no coincidences in life and took this low price as a blessing! I just knew that my "cool" and "fashionable" 8 year old would share in my love and joy. I mean, I share her love of the Jonas Brothers and in my world, NKOTB helped start the boy band rage (OK I know, the Beatles did that, but NKOTB helped bring it back). They opened the way for 98 degrees, backstreet boys, and NSYNC. So I planned an afternoon of music for me and my daughter. Isaiah was napping. And I told Brittany I wanted to do something fun just me and her. I put in the CD, cleared out the living room so we could maximize our dance space, and waited. Those first couple notes came through the radio and I waited! I expected her to throw her hands up to her face and squeal in delight. I kept watching and YES there she goes her hands are going to her face, wait, they are going past her cheeks and her ears...OK but her mouth is opening she is going to squeal! Nope....she sticks her tongue out! My daughter has no appreciation for good music. So I start showing her the dances arm pump, arm jab, hip jerk and turn. At this point I fall and my daughter finally shows enthusiasm for this! I assumed she would help her OLD mother up, but no, she changed the NKOTB CD to High School Musical!

So my daughter won't share my love of NKOTB with me. There are plenty of things that I loved as a kid that I want to share the joys with my children. below are just a few....

snoopy slushy machine!

Saved By the Bell!

potholder maker things!

roller skating (not blading...actually skating!)

Tommy Page, Tiffany, Debbie Gibson

Rocket popsicles from the ice cream truck!

the Mickey Mouse club with Brittany and Christina and Justin

Maybe I haven't reached the age where I want to relive my childhood, but I just don't want to let it go, or maybe, I want my daughter to relive my childhood, because it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!

I am refusing to believe that it is a sign you are getting old when your favorite band goes on a reunion tour!

Well that's your thought for today...not so complicated...but it is Friday! Have a great weekend and I'll be back Monday with notes of the weekend and notes on what we talked about at church on Sunday!

Relax, enjoy the spring weather, and take some time to think about your childhood, your parents childhood, and your childrens childhood!

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