Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Passed on from Generation to Generation????

I am reading Beth Moore's Breaking Free. Today I was reading about the Kings of Isaiah's time. It was weird how they were related and maybe because of what each father did before their son, it shaped how the son reigned.

King Uzziah started off sounding like a good guy. (mind you I have never heard of these people before today!) His name means "the Lord is my strength". Unfortunately he became too prideful. He thought he could light incense in the temple of the Lord (even though that right was only for the Priests). He didn't listen to the priests when they told him this and according to 2 Chronicles 26:19 he broke out with leprosy. God didn't even let it slowly hit, He punished him right there! This man had been by all other accounts a good man, but when he died all he was remembered for was having leprosy!

King Uzziah's son, Jotham seems like an even better guy, he worshipped the Lord, but wouldn't take down the false idols! He did not stand up for the Lord's rules and tell his people that is was not right to worship false idols.

King Ahaz, Jotham's son was a horrible man. He worshipped false gods, and even made sacrifices out of 3 of his sons to these false gods (2 Chronicles 28:3). What Beth Moore points out is that had his father torn down the altars of the false idols, it is possible that Ahaz would not have ended up on the position he was.

The next king is Hezekiah. He loved God and destroyed the "high places" where the sacrifices to Baal took place. God spared his life and protected him for many years. However in his final days, he cried out to God and God let him live for 15 more years. Hezekiah began to think that it was because of his work or his favorability with the Lord that made him live those extra years. Hezekaih was still filled with pride that when the the emissaries from Babylon came to congratulate him for his health, he showed them all his treasures. They ended taking his nation into captivity.

4 generations and they didn't learn from each other. Or maybe they did. I look at where I stand in my life, where I was, and where I am going. I think about 4 generations ago and where they were and what they did with their life that made a lasting impression on my life. Some good, but just as much bad. Even looking at the 4 generations that surround my daughter and I. The teachings of my father and my mother. What my Grandmothers have taught me. What I am teaching my daughter and son.

All I know is that when my great grandchild is born, I don't want him/her to be following in my sinful steps. I want them to see the love of God and the love of walking in the truth and the light still shining in my children, my grandchildren. Then My great-grandchildren will not learn that hatred and apathy and lieing are ok. They will learn that love and compassion and truth are what is expected and what is right in this family.

We all stand at a place right now to change our family. Our children's lives, even our parents' lives can be changed by the decision that we make today. Wow, what I do today can affect 4 generations forwards and all generations that are still alive from the past. That's really cool. I am reminded of Proverbs 22:6 (thanks Claire!) Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Alot of families spend time going through their worldly treasures and dividing up what each of their children will get when the parents pass on. The thought I leave you with today is this....

Which spiritual fruit or attribute would you leave from yourself for your children?