Saturday, April 5, 2008

Building Airplanes

As promised yesterday, I will tell you about building airplanes. This story came from the radio station. A man finished building an airplane after 21 years. Apparently he started it 21 years ago.After a while he realized his children were growing up and he was out in the garage building an airplane and missing the family time. So he stopped working on the plane. When his children went off to college , he finished the plane.

Here's my thoughts...was this a model plane or a real plane?? Not sure! But they said he (don't know is name so we will call him Fred), er Fred, would come home from work and go straight to the garage and work on the plane. Fred's wife and kids wouldn't see him again until dinner and bed. I got to thinking about what kind of airplanes am I building that are distracting me from my children growing up. They grow up right before our very eyes. So in my life I want to make sure I am not too busy building an airplane that I miss it.

I have started our tradition of dinner is always at the dinner table and we eat together. We ask each other what the favorite part of their day was and what their worst part was. Our dining room table was given to us by an amazing couple at our church and I really hope they know how much it has brought my family together. It has helped us grow our relationship as a family. This helps keep airplanes out of our house!

TV is a big airplane in our house. This is on the kids side more so than mine. They get so wrapped up in it that they actually cry if the have to go without it. I guess American Idol could be considered an airplane for me. I make sure everything is done before AI comes on Tuesday and Wednesday. So that there are no distractions.

Radio is my big airplane in the car. I find that I keep the radio on in the car all the time. I really need to start using that time to talk with Brittany, and Isaiah too, but especially Britt.

Stress is probably the biggest airplane in our house. When I am stressed, I send kids to their rooms. I get so caught up in my own thoughts that I miss the pictures Isaiah drew for me, or the song Britt wrote for me.

So the question now becomes this...How do we put down that airplane for 21 years? You can't always I guess. But maybe some reprioritizing is in order. I know that when I am stressed the kids are more anxious, less likely to listen and I am more likely to yell.

It makes me so sad to think that I only have 10 more years of Brittany as a child and 15 for Isaiah. I am in no way trying to say that I have all the answers in my blog. That's not why I started it. I started it to be able to ramble. To be able to reflect on my family, my life, and my thoughts. If along the way someone makes a comment that is helpful for us or someone else...great! But in the time I have left with my CHILDRen I don't want them to say....Mommy did a great job building airplanes.

So, the thought I leave you with now is ......

What 's your airplane and could you put it down for 21 years!


Claire Jones said...

okay, thats it. i'm done writing. you're writing is impressive dawn : ). Chuck e cheeses was a stretch for all of us tongith i thnk...but i'm glad you guys made it!
happy day, claire

Claire Jones said...

also, i don't want to talk about airplanes. that would mean that I have to admit that i put things first other than my husband and kiddos. I'd rather live in denial...ha ha..j/'s definitely a good point!