Monday, April 28, 2008

Telephones; Pink Eye, Playgrounds, and Pickup Lines; and Time Away

Wow a lot to cover today! First off, go check this out, it's really neat to see. I love Phil and Chris from American Idol and honestly, who doesn't like Amy Grant or Michael W. Smith!

Okay so let's get this blog started!


So in case you didn't notice, my phone didn't work last Wednesday-Friday. Ever think you mailed a payment? I did! Ever "disregard" a past due notice because it said if payment has been sent please disregard? I did! And when you realize your phone didn't work you found your payment stuck in the console of your car because you forgot to put it in the mail box? Probably not, but I did! But it was actually nice. The kids and I were able to have one on one time with each other (television was off too!) We used chalk and colored outside, had uninterrupted dinners, and lots of reading time and cuddling time. I know I did alot of thinking about Brittany and Isaiah and life. I mean is it really that serious a thing? Is life that serious? I worry so much about what we need and what we want that I forget, Jesus didn't have a telephone or a laptop. How cool would it have been to go online and read Jesus' blog everyday! But seriously, I have a brother and sister-in-law that live 10 minutes away and yet I go check her blog everyday to find out how they are. It makes me a little sad.

I guess for those that couldn't get in contact with us, it wasn't quite as relaxing (sorry!) or thought provoking (except worries).

Pink Eye, Playgrounds, and Pickup Lines

So for those that don't know yet, Brittany had to go to the doctor Thursday. Apparently Lathan and Hailey had pink eye and now it has made it's way into our house. (Praise the Lord that Isaiah didn't get it!). Thank you to the public school system for basically giving me a day off! Thursday is always Thursday McDonald's night. We went to the McDonald's with a playground where my children amazed me with things. A little boy came in with his father. All three kids started playing. The little boy (Jonathan) and Britt and Isaiah played (final tally was 2 hours-hey we had no reason to hurry home). They played astronauts, princess, pirates, planets, and bugs climbing trees. Jonathan's father and I had made small chitchat about the kids and that was about it....until.....(scary how my "turn-on's" have changed)....catastrophe struck...we were stuck in the mcdonalds forever with a meteor coming towards was up to us to save the world...ok just kidding! Brittany skinned her knee...but in her world this is comparable to having your whole leg cut off! So she is upset and looking at her leg and I'm giving her napkins to clean up. This man stands up, reaches in his wallet and pulls out........a band-aid! I literally could have kissed him right then. I, the mother that carries snacks and cameras every where we go...did not even have a band aid in the diaper bag! Eventually it was time to peel the kids away and head home. Isaiah asked if Thursday night McDonald's night was over and would we really come back next week (we do this every week, why he felt it necessary to ask I don't know!). I told him of course we would come back. So Jonathan's father turns around with this goofy grin on his face and says (I promise I'm not making this up...)

so, do you come here often?

Took everything I had not to spit my (kid's size) coke across the playground. I told him that yes in fact we come every Thursday night. He introduced himself and says that maybe him and Jonathan will see us next time at the "Same time, Same place!"
So I consider this a play date!

I know, it's as cheesy as a quarter pounder mcdonald's sandwich!

Time Away

Ever do something because you thought you needed to but knew that no one would understand and everyone would want an explanation? I did this weekend. It has been a stress filled week with the news about Brittany and her struggling with school. So Friday night we went to church like always and headed out for a surprise road trip.

If you have never struggled with depression I don't expect you to understand what I did. But with the ongoing concern about Brittany and issues she is having. I thought that a visit to her favorite place would help. So we went to North Carolina as a surprise. I think it did a world of good for Brittany. She now sees that North Carolina isn't just a distant place. We can go back and visit. My family there were very thankful and grateful for the time we spent. No boundaries or lines were crossed and no one got hurt. I think after talking with everyone, that we could see how all that has been going on has effected Brittany. There were no tears when we left and I think everyone (Devon, Britt, Isaiah, and myself) were glad to be headed home.

Brittany and I had a long talk going home last night and even this morning, I noticed a change in her. It's like she understands now that I didn't take her away, we can always go back and visit. She loves our life here, but I think it helped her realize...SC is home now. and NC is a great place to go visit!

in conclusion!

So I know it's been an abnormal week, but God is speaking to me and working on me. I have felt for a long time that God was getting ready to do something amazing with my life, in my life. I have been waiting for it. While Brittany and Isaiah were sleeping I prayed for God to protect them and to help Brittany. I prayed that whatever God had in store for us as a family that He put a hedge of protection around is to keep us safe. God reminded me of something a pastor had preached about. We are God's vessels. Wherever we step, we are stepping on Holy Ground because WE are on it. Every where we go, He goes with us. For some reason this thought kept running through my mind. Then I realized. God's already doing great things. I have a daughter who is in her school talking about Jesus as the "king of kings" and "Lord of Lords". She is using pictures with captions of what Jesus did for us. God is showing me how to live my life.

I guess to take a quote from an earlier post...I'm learning to walk alone and trust me, I'm picking up every penny!